Community working together for NAIDOC week.
Staff, residents co-hosted the Naidoc week launch with the Goulburn Valley regional library on monday the 09th of July.
At 9.30am the artwork created by The Cottage crew was installed on the walls of the library for exhibition for the next 3 weeks. A morning tea was provided and conversation flowed about the emerging art culture happening at The cottage where residents are taking up the skill of dot painting, watercolour and acrylic painting. Some of the residents and staff have not tried this before and are finding new ways of expression and freedom.
Small art stations were set up for children attending the launch and new works of art were joyfully created.
Tina, who is a past Resident at the Cottage and whom has returned back to her Community and work at Njernda in Echuca talked to Jessica Anderson of The Goulburn Valley Regional Library upon a visit there two weeks ago, where the idea of displaying some artwork from The Cottage for NAIDOC week was discussed. Tina gave me the contact for Jessica and we all played a part in the launch of NAIDOC week at the Goulburn Valley Regional library.
A wonderful event enjoyed by all who attended.
Further to the celebrations of NAIDOC week today we headed out to Itchawudic Rehabilitation Centre in Toolamba for a get together, there was low key live music, campfire while eating Kangaroo cooked in a Hungie. Winja Ulunpa and Galliamble Rehabilitation centres from Melbourne came to join in the ongoing celebrations.
Artwork featured below
Josh visited NAIDOC week in Sydney and though there was a barrier of people around him, The Governor General had a great conversation with Josh and posed for a photo with his wife and Josh below.