To live more in connection and love, and less in separation I offer 4 things.
1. See yourself as a flame. Nurture your energy. Be awake – what fills your soul? What/whom do you love? What moves you? Honour this. Do something that feeds your spirit every day.
2. Sit in silence with your eyes closed and breathe. Feel your feelings. Feel your breath. Just feel. And when thoughts come (and they will), smile to yourself and keep feeling what you’re feeling. No labels necessary.
3. Have thank you be your mantra. Thank you for this shower. This apple. This friend. This body. This rain. This moment.
4. Be present – to the old lady on the tram, to the man stacking the shelves, to the people in the lift. Be a kind human.
Life’s challenges are really opportunities for connection. Like the world riveted with hope for the Thai children stuck in the cave, when we open to how interconnected we are, our bonds are strengthened. Differences fade. We are all the same, wanting the same things – love, a safe place, and connection.
From our friend Kathy Bourke.