The Cottage

Another perspective about addiction

‘Why addiction can be a good habit’ “There’s such a thing as addiction. It’s just a totally normal process, but the reason we’re talking about it right now in this pathological context is that sometimes it goes off the rails to the point where it may even become fatal.” Addicted? by Matt Noffs and Kieran […]

NAIDOC Week Celebrations

Community working together for NAIDOC week. Staff, residents co-hosted the Naidoc week launch with the Goulburn Valley regional library on monday the 09th of July.  At 9.30am the artwork created by The Cottage crew was installed on the walls of the library for exhibition for the next 3 weeks. A morning tea was provided and […]

Tips for Connection

To live more in connection and love, and less in separation I offer 4 things. 1. See yourself as a flame. Nurture your energy. Be awake – what fills your soul? What/whom do you love? What moves you? Honour this. Do something that feeds your spirit every day. 2.  Sit in silence with your eyes […]