The Cottage

Supporting The Cottage

The Cottage Welcome you to show your support for the life skills program enabling people to empower themselves to experience freedom from addiction. “The Community, council and providers need to come together, not battle eachother for the critical and pressing issue of drug and alcohol addiction to be addressed” Shepparton News Editorial May 18th 2018. […]

Cooking Program

The Cottage residents have undertaken a cooking program whereby the group cook a meal each night for all of the Cottage Community from each of the three houses in a casual setting. This is based on a roster system which shares the responsibility, skills and variety of meals cooked in the evenings. This creates an […]

Saying Farewell

It is with equal helpings of sadness and excitement that we say goodbye to two of our residents whom have completed the 16 week self leadership program. Another farewell party has been and gone. We shared pizza and some stories of experiences with staff and other residents – come – friends. Over the last 16 weeks […]