– Lance Woodhouse, Shepparton
Shame on our community for not allowing The Cottage to be granted a permit to enable it to continue helping those who have asked for our help in overcoming addiction to drugs or alcohol.
The council officers recommended that a permit be granted subject to certain sensible conditions, all of which will be implemented.
The facts are that The Cottage has been operating for more than a year without an serious disturbance to anyone and in that time has helped 70 people deal with their addiction.
This has been achieved without any drugs or alcohol being allowed on the premises.
The residents are self-motivated to overcome their addiction. That is why they have spent money to seek The Cottage’s help.
They genuinely want to succeed and we must help them.
All members of our community including our councillors should support the generous and caring people who have established the The Cottage with such success.
Please do not forsake this opportunity.