The Cottage

Dear editor,

I am the company secretary of Shepparton Area Drug Action Committee (SHADAC INC) the not for profit organization that operates The Cottage. Through your paper I express my gratitude to the community for engaging with the life of The Cottage in its formative first year.

The opening day on the 17thApril was attended by about 250 supporters and was addressed by several clients who have transformed their lives as a result of their stable accommodation and life skills training whilst at The Cottage.

I apologise for the angst caused by the late application for a planning permit, which we understood, was not required initially.

Thank you to the 250 community members who expressed their points of view regarding the applications merit. Thank you to the council and staff who painstakingly allowed every concerned citizen to further present their viewpoint last Tuesday at the McIntosh Centre.

This is a demonstration of democracy working well.

Next Tuesday the council, after careful consideration of the best available information, will make a choice whether to grant a planning permit. I both respect and am grateful to the councillors for their diligence in working through this issue.

A mentor of mine once told me that to “Think Global and Act Local” was the key to a successful and socially just society. This process demonstrates it well.

I applaud the media, neighbours, councillors, planners and clients who have all given their energy to finding a solution to a challenging issue.

They say that the opposite of addiction is connection. One thing for sure this whole project has delivered connection.

Thanks again for your commitment to the region’s wellbeing.

Rob Bryant

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